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Invitation to Submit Comments on HIV & AIDS Tribunal Draft Registry Manual  

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Invitation to Submit Comments on HIV & AIDS Tribunal Draft Registry Manual  

HIV AND AIDS TRIBUNALnn nnInvitation to Submit Comments on HIV & AIDS Tribunal Draft Registry Manualnn [ HAT Draft ]nnEstablished under section 25 of the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act No. 14 of 2006 (HAPCA), the overall objective of the Tribunal is to hear and determine complaints arising out of any breach of the provisions of the HAPCA, 2006. Specific objectives include, to ensure justice and restore rights and dignity for persons living with HIV (PLHIV).nnThe HIV and AIDS Tribunal has finalized developing its Registry Manual to standardize its operations and to enhance service delivery. In this regard, the HIV and AIDS Tribunal intends to validate the Registry Manual on June 16, 2022 from 9.00 a.m. The exercise will be conducted virtually. (Kindly follow the link nnAs our invaluable stakeholder, we hereby invite your comments on the same.nnKindly send your comments to us: or by Thursday June 16, 2022.nnWe look forward to receiving your feedback. nn nnHIV and AIDS Tribunal is committed to fighting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Kenya.nn nn                   Annerita MurunginnSecretary, HIV & AIDS TRIBUNALnn                   Reinsurance Plaza, 12th Floor nn(Opp. The Supreme Court of Kenya)nnP.O. Box 37953-00100nnNAIROBInn nn nn                                                                                                 nn nn

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