Judges hold annual colloquium-2023
The Annual Judges Colloquium is organized and hosted by the Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA). It brings together Judges from all courts in the country and provides a forum for dialogue and reflection on topical issues affecting the Judiciary, key developments in the law and emerging jurisprudence from the courts. It also provides a platform for introspection and feedback from the Judiciary’s stakeholders. This year’s Judges’ colloquium is themed: The Judiciary’s Role in Realization of the Social Transformation Promise of the 2010 Constitution: Reflecting Back, Holding Ground and Forging Ahead.
The theme of the Colloquium resonates with the Social Transformation Through Access to Justice (STAJ), blueprint, which carries the Judiciary’s current strategic priorities.
The colloquium was officially opened by Hon. Justice Martha K. Koome, EGH, Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya and addressed by judges of the various superior courts and a colloquium key note address delivered by Prof. Luis G. Franceschi, Assistant Secretary General of the Commonwealth.
The three-day colloquium starting September 6-8, 2023 is expected to feature presentations and discourse by distinguished persons from Kenya, the region and beyond.
The topics of discussion are: The Dynamics of Judicial Independence; Reflections from Africa. It will feature Hon. Justice Othman Mohamed Chande-Chief Justice (Emeritus) of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Justice Andrew Nyirenda-Chief Justice (Emeritus) of the Republic of Malawi and Hon. Justice Moses Chinhengo-Judge, Republic of Zimbabwe.
Other topics will be; Separation of Powers in the United States: The Role of the Judiciary and the 2024 Elections by Dean Adrien Katherine Wing-Associate Dean for International & Comparative Law Programs, University of Iowa College of Law and Laying the Foundation of People-Centered Justice; Access to Justice Beyond the Courtroom by Dr. Steve Akoth, Member of the STAJ Blueprint Development Committee.
Another topic of discussion will be; Realizing Social Transformation Through Access to Justice; Reflections from the Courts and it will feature Hon. Lady Justice Philomena Mbete Mwilu, Deputy Chief Justice and Vice President from the Supreme Court of Kenya, Hon. Justice Daniel Musinga, President of the Court of Appeal, Hon. Justice Eric Ogola-Principal Judge, High Court, Hon. Justice Byram Ongaya-Principal Judge, Employment & Labor Relations Court and Hon. Justice Oscar Angote, Presiding Judge, Environment and Land Court as panelists.
Another panel discussion will handle The Role of the Judiciary in Realisation of Social Justice: Emerging Jurisprudence and Reflections from Stakeholders and will consist of Prof. Migai Akech-Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Nairobi, Mr. Gautam Bhatia (Joining Virtually) Jindal Global Law School and Counsel, Supreme Court of India and Dr. Elisha Ongoya-Senior Lecturer Kabarak University, School of Law.
The colloquium will also reflect on The Role of the Judiciary in Realisation of Social Justice: Emerging Jurisprudence and Reflections from the Bench with Hon. Justice Mohammed K. Ibrahim, Judge of the Supreme Court of Kenya; Hon. Justice Imaana Laibuta, Judge of the Court of Appeal, Judges of the High Court of Kenya-Hon. Justice Chacha Mwita and Hon. Justice Kanyi Kimondo, Judge of the Environment and Land Court Hon. Justice Sila Munyao and Hon. Lady Justice Jemima Keli-Judge of the Employment and Labour Relations Court.
The symposium will also have Hon. Justice Isaac Lenaola, Supreme Court Judge and Chairperson Judiciary Peer Review Committee and Dean Adrien Katherine-Wing Associate Dean for International & Comparative Law Programs, University of Iowa College of Law discussing the topic: Towards an Inspired Team of Judges Committed to Social Justice and Excellence; Judicial Welfare and Judicial Mentorship.
Another area of focus is Keeping Score; Revisiting the Intention of the Framers of the Constitution on Judicial Independence and Authority that will be deliberated byLucy Kambuni-Senior Counsel, Dr. Ekuru Aukot-Advocate and Constitutional Law Expert, Mr. Waikwa Wanyoike-Litigation Director, Open Society Justice Initiative, Dr. Naomi Njuguna-ICJ Kenya Consultant and Lecturer, University of Nairobi and Shamini Jayanathan-UNODC.
The symposium will conclude with panelists discussing the topic, Asserting the Independence of the Judiciary in a Changing Constitutional Landscape; Critical Reflections which will be handled by Hon. Justin B. N. Muturi EGH-Attorney General of the Republic of Kenya, Dr. Chris Kiptoo-Principal Secretary, National Treasury, Hon. George Gitonga Murugara-MP Chairperson, National Assembly Justice and Legal Affairs Committee, Hon. Anne Amadi-Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Mr. Eric Theuri-President, Law Society of Kenya and Dr. Mutakha Kangu-Constitutional Law Expert.