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Judiciary launches a new Advocates e-Practising Certificates System

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Judiciary launches a new Advocates e-Practising Certificates System

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the admission of 465 lawyers to the Roll of Advocates and launch of the issuance of Electronic Practising Certificates at the Supreme Court.nnShe said that as the new advocates celebrate their admission to the Bar, the Judiciary is also celebrating a huge milestone in the ongoing automation process adding that over the past five years, the Judiciary has deployed various technology solutions in the dispensation of justice.nnShe said that so far, the Judiciary has implemented the Case Tracking System, Judiciary Financial Management System, Judiciary e-Filing System and Virtual Courts.nnShe revealed that the Judiciary’s Advocates’ Section is going paperless to ensure efficient delivery of services to lawyers, using the Judiciary Advocates Management System (JAMS).nnJAMS is supporting the Judiciary in discharging functions bestowed by the Advocates Act, the Notaries Public Act, and the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act. The functions include Maintenance and Custody of Advocates Files, Processing of Petitions for Admission of Advocates, Issuance of Advocates’ Annual Practicing Certificates and Processing of Applications for Appointment of Commissioners for Oaths.nnShe added that the Judiciary is also fast-tracking Processing of Applications for Appointment of Notaries Public, Annual Renewal of Notary Public Certificates, Validation and Verification of Advocates Licenses. She said the processes were run manually in the past.nn“JAMS is transforming our internal mechanisms and service delivery to advocates. It is also improving efficiency in our procedures by addressing delays and other challenges,” CJ Koome said.nnChief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi said the Judiciary of today is not the same as the Judiciary of yesteryears. There has been a remarkable uptake in technology ensuring the affordable, efficient and expedient delivery of justice. Technology is being utilized to conduct virtual courts, e-filing, financial management, performance management, case tracking, and other aspects of the justice.nnCRJ Amadi noted the Judiciary Advocates Management System will facilitate the efficient management of the ever-growing number of advocates in the country.nnShe said today the Judiciary is also celebrating the roll-out of the E-Practicing Certificates.nn“Through a joint integration programme between the Judiciary and the LSK, the development and testing of issuance of E-Practicing Certificates (E-PCs) for the year 2023 have been completed,” CRJ Amadi said.nnShe noted that as of the 1st of March 2023, over 9,000 E-PCs have been issued. This she said is quite the achievement compared to previous years, where less than 1,000 PCs had been issued by the first of February 2022, only.nn“In the past, I have had to sign the over 15,000 PCs by hand, but this has now transitioned to a digital signature,” CRJ Amadi said.nnEnds/..nn nn nn

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