Notice to all Court Users: E-Filing System downtime
26th August 2020nnNOTICE TO ALL COURT USERSnnRE: E-FILING SYSTEM DOWNTIMEnnThe e-filing system launched on 1st July 2020 by the Hon the Chief Justice has changed the process of filing, payment of Court Fees and management of the Registries.nnFor the first 45 days after the launch; a total of 31,163 filings have been done through the system. The Judiciary is grateful to all the court users for the support in implementing the use of technology to ensure access to Justice.nnTo enhance its capacity, the ICT directorate undertakes regular upgrade of the system. An upgrade of the system was scheduled to take place on the night of 25th August 2020. However, the system upgrade has taken longer than earlier anticipated.nnThe Judiciary wishes to apologize to all Court Users for the challenges experienced in accessing the e-filing system as a result of the update.nnThe technical team is working on it and normal services are expected to resume from 11:00am.nnWe are committed to ensure enhanced services delivery in strict adherence to the Ministry of Health Covid 19 protocols.nnICT DIRECTORATEnnJUDICIARY