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Officers brief litigants on court’s on how to access court services

The Judiciary > Latest News  > Officers brief litigants on court’s on how to access court services

Officers brief litigants on court’s on how to access court services

Court officials in various courts spared time to brief litigants and members of public on court services ahead of court proceedings.

A Senior Resident Magistrate Mary Wanjiru at Gichugu Law Courts provided information to litigants and members of the public to guide them on how the court operates and how they can access court services.

Mr Omari Etemesi, a judicial staff at Hamisi Law Courts, enlightened litigants and other members of the public on court services before commencement of court sessions.

Mr Moses Osundwa of Kapsabet Law Courts spoke to litigants during the morning briefing session meant to provide the court clients with information on how to access court services. He enlightened them on court processes & procedures as well as on the daily court cases schedule (Cause List).


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