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Public Affairs and Communication

The Judiciary > Public Affairs and Communication


Public Affairs and Communication (PAC) is responsible for broad aspects of internal and external relations in the Judiciary. Its mandate covers public, media and stakeholder engagement with the Judiciary. Its functions include:

  1. Conceiving and implementing strategies that enhance stakeholder and public confidence in the Judiciary.
  2. Developing, packaging and disseminating information to the public and stakeholders.
  3. Identifying public information opportunities.
  4. Conducting media relations to enlighten the public on our services.
  5. Using media and other channels to promote a positive image of the Judiciary.
  6. Developing and implementing a structured Institutional communication strategy.
  7. Developing and promoting the Judiciary brand
  8. Promoting public outreach.
  9. Advising on best media and public communication approaches and practices.
  10. Promoting stakeholder dialogue, collaboration and partnerships.

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