Supreme Court opens sub-registries in Mombasa and Kisumu
NAIROBI, June 29, 2022. OPERATIONALIZATION OF SUPREME COURT OF KENYA SUB- REGISTRIES IN MOMBASA AND KISUMUnnUnder the said Strategic Plan, a Key Result Area is that of enhancing access to its services and ease the filing processes. To realise this objective, the Court has now established 2 sub-registries and has implemented a case management system that incorporates electronic filing. The two sub-registries are based in Mombasa and Kisumu respectively. nnThe sub-registries will receive all filings from litigants and transmit urgent matters and files to the Court’s Central Registry in Nairobi. All matters, in which the Court has jurisdiction can be filed in the sub-registries, EXCEPT the Presidential Petitions, which for logistical reasons must be filed at the seat of the Court in Nairobi. nnFilings at the Court ought to be in both in electronic form and hard copies, according to the Rules of the Court. Therefore, parties and advocates who file their matters in the sub-registries must familiarise themselves with the Rules of the Court, including the transmission process.nnLastly, since hearings at the Court are mostly virtual, parties and advocates are urged to ensure access to a stable internet network when their matters come up for hearing to ensure the hearings proceed uninterrupted. nn nn Supreme Court Registrar Hon Letizia Wachira briefs Senior Court Assistant Daniel Omuse who’s in charge of Mombasa Sub-registry located at the old Court