Hon. Lady Justice Hedwig Ong’udi
Hon. Lady Justice Hedwig Ong’udi was born in Kakamega County
Appointment to Judicial Service
- Joined the Judicial service as a District Magistrate II (Prof.) in 1985
- Appointed Judge of the High Court in 2011
- Served as Presiding Judge at the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Division, Civil Division, Constitutional and Human Rights Division Milimani
- Served at Embu, Kericho and Makueni High Courts
Academic and Professional Qualifications
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree, University of Nairobi
- Diploma in Legal Studies, Kenya School of Law
- Admitted to the bar in 1985
Training Attended
- Leadership Skills for Chief Justices, Judge Presidents, Principal Judges, Heads of High Court Divisions and Resident Judges.
- International Protection & Refugee Law —2008 & 2009.
- Asset recovery —2008.
- Money laundering — 2017.
- Court Administration, Judicial Reform & Change Management — 2009.
- Mediation & Conflict Resolution — 2021.
- Training on Tax Law —2023.
- First African Women Judges Conference in Gabon —2023.
- International Narcotics Law Enforcement Training —
- Thailand —2007.
Previous Experience
- Magistrate at various court stations
Other Responsibilities
- Member, Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA)
- Member, East African Magistrate and Judges Association (EAMJA)
- Member, Kenya Women Judges’ Association (KWJA)
- Member, International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ).
- Support widows, orphans and the venerable
- Visiting prisons and children’s home
- Prayers and sharing the word of God