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Hon. Mr. Justice Peter Muchoki Njoroge

The Judiciary > Hon. Mr. Justice Peter Muchoki Njoroge

Hon. Mr. Justice Peter Muchoki Njoroge

Hon. Mr. Justice Peter Muchoki Njoroge attended the following academic institutions:


  • University of Manchester (UK)
  • University of Woluerhampton (UK)
  • Harvard University (USA)
  • University of Nairobi
  • Kenya School of Law


The Hon. Judge has a wealth of experience in the legal profession.

He was appointed as an Environment and Land Court Judge in 2012 and has served in Meru, Chuka and Isiolo.



Previous Experience

  • Assistant Corporation Secretary, Agricultural Development Corporation.
  • Clerk to Council, Murang’a County Council.
  • Commissioner, Monopolies and Prices Commission (MPC) at Treasury.
  • Chairperson, Comesa Competition Commission.


Other responsibilities

Member of the following organisations:

  • Law Society of Kenya
  • Institute of Public Secretaries
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

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