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The Planning and Budget Implementation Committee (BIC)

The Judiciary > The Planning and Budget Implementation Committee (BIC)

The mandate of this committee is to:-

  1. Ensure the Judiciary Fund is fully operationalized.
  2. Ensure Judiciary financial accounts are delinked from the district treasuries
  3. Ensure all judiciary budgets and planning are within the budgeting cycle
  4. Ensure equitable allocation of resources to all spending units
  5. Receive quarterly reports from all spending units
  6. Ensure prudence budget management and proper utilization of the budget and value for money.
  7. Ensure timely payment to service providers and suppliers to guard against accumulation of pending bills
  8. In case of pending bills at the close of the FY, the same to be prioritized at the beginning of the next FY.
  9. Ensure timely facilitation for judges, magistrates and staff while undertaking official duties out of their stations
  10. Ensure both external and internal Audit queries are appropriately answered to, as raised to all spending units.

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