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The Judiciary > Intranet Headline (Page 6)

Judiciary committed to enhancing Green Justice

Judiciary committed to enhancing Green Justice Chief Justice Martha Koome has commissioned a multi-sectoral working group which aims to prioritise access to Justice on environmental and climate change related matters in Nairobi County. The working group will prioritize access to justice on environment and climate change related matters through a multi-sectoral approach. The CJ noted that the Judiciary is committed to tackling environmental challenges, especially climate change, by incorporating green justice principles. This involve embedding environmental sustainability into operations, procedures, and decision-making processes, including both administrative and judicial actions. The working group comprises of key stakeholders in the Environment and planning sector. “This...

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New judges inducted

Twenty new judges inducted The newly appointed judges were inducted in a workshop organized by the Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA), Office of the Principle Judge and Office of the Registrar High Court. The Judges were taken through Judiciary ICT solutions such as Case Tracking System (CTS) and Virtual Courts among other issues. The Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu who officially closed the workshop called on the new judges to exercise authority and power efficiently and judiciously in consonance with their solemn oath saying High Court judges hold an extremely consequential jurisdiction. “You can look forward to a most fulfilling career as a judge; a...

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Justice Majanja re-elected to JSC

High Court Judge David Shikomera Majanja has been re-elected Member of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) by the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association  (KMJA) pursuant to Article 171 (2) (d) of the Constitution, to serve for a five-year term. The Judge won with 81 votes against Justices James Olola of ELC and Joram Abuodha of ELRC, who garnered 47 and nine votes, respectively. KMJA President Stephen Radido who chaired the voting session said the voter turnout for the very first time was over 90 per cent, a situation he noted has never been witnessed before. Justice Majanja is the representative of...

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“Avoid shortcuts and ‘pop’ attitude, money will come,” DCJ Mwilu to Law students

NAIROBI, MAY 24, 2024.  “Avoid shortcuts and ‘pop’ attitude, money will come,” DCJ Mwilu to Law students Deputy Chief Justice and Vice President of the Supreme Court of Kenya, Philomena Mbete Mwilu has advised young lawyers in the making to be patient, work hard, and be honest and not let their success merely be defined by the amount of money in the bank. “You must make a living; but don’t let this be the foundation of your ethos as a lawyer. Your success will be measured by how you have kept fidelity to your principles, not by the content of your bank account or your popularity...

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CJ Koome meets Judiciary’s management team

NANYUKI, May 21, 2024 - Chief Justice Martha Koome today met with the Judiciary’s Management Team led by Chief Registrar Winfridah Mokaya in a working retreat converged under the theme “Aligning Management Priorities to the Social Transformation through Access to Justice (STAJ) Blueprint. The retreat is intended to give the Management Team - comprising Registrars, Directors and Heads of administrative functions – a deeper understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of the STAJ Blueprint and a clear roadmap on how to steer, champion and cascade its implementation. The Chief Justice called on the Management Team to ensure that the entire institution is aligned...

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DCJ Mwilu visits Naivasha Law Courts

DCJ Mwilu during a court visit of Naivasha Law Courts. The DCJ met Justice Mary Oundo, Head of Station Chief Magistrate Nathan Lutta and other judicial officers and staff. During the visit, as part of the Greening the Judiciary strategy under the institution's STAJ blueprint, the DCJ led a tree planting activity at the station. ...

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Tamu Law Courts Open Day

Tamu Law Courts and it's CUC led by Head of Station Amos Makoross held an Open Day at Muhoroni market to create legal awareness & promote public understanding of court procedures and processes as well as roles of various actors in the justice system. A Court Annexed Mediation registry was also launched at the station. [gallery size="medium" ids="33696,33697,33698,33699,33700,33701,33702,33703,33704,33705,33706,33707"]  ...

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Court officials mentor and interact with rescued children at a rehabilitation centre in Kangundo

Kangundo Law Courts as well as LSK and ODPP officials led by Head of Station Daniel ole Keiwua interact with rescued children at the New Scent rehabilitation centre. Hon Keiwua was accompanied by magistrates Dennis Kioko and Daffline Sure as well as LSK regional leadership Ms Priscilla Kioko and Mr Isaiah Munguti.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33687,33688,33689,33690,33691,33692,33693"]  ...

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CUC trained

Kerugoya High Court Presiding Judge Richard Mwongo concluded a three day training for the Kirinyaga County Court Users Committee (CUC). In an effort to sensitize prisoners, remandees and other justice chain stakeholders, the Kirinyaga County CUC conducted a pre-service week training on plea bargaining and diversion, providing legal aid at Kerugoya and Mwea Prisons on May 15- 16,2024. In addition, a conference on plea bargaining, diversion, active case management and sentencing policy guidelines was held on the May 17-18,2024, involving members from the Kerugoya, Gichugu, Wanguru and Baricho Law Courts CUCs. These activities are in preparation for a three-day service week to be...

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Limuru Law Courts Open Day

Limuru Law Courts led by Head of Station Hon. Jared Magori and Hon. Peter Mugure (PM) held an open day themed "Inheritance and the Law." The court sensitized members of the public on the process of succession and demystified court procedures.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33651,33652,33653,33654,33655,33656,33657,33658,33659"]...

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