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CJ calls for strengthening of governance institutions to bolster democracy

NAIROBI. Monday, November 4, 2024.  CJ calls for strengthening of governance institutions to bolster democracy Chief Justice Martha Koome has called for building of strong and robust institutions that will serve as catalysts for national progress and development. Speaking during the opening ceremony of the inaugural Supreme Court Conference and Exhibition to mark the court’s 12 years of existence, the CJ noted that the establishment of the Supreme Court as the ultimate interpreter and guardian of the Constitution, embodies the expectation that the Court provides stability, certainty, and predictability in resolving the inevitable conflicts that arise within the society. “At the heart...

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Town Hall Engagement

Panelists Justice Isaac Lenaola, Dr. Fred Ojiambo, SC., Mr. Protas Saende, ICJ (K) and Prof. Githu Muigai engage stakeholders in the justice sector on "Fostering an Open Democracy: An Open Conversation on the Supreme Court's Contributions to the Protection of Human Rights & the Civic Space," as part of Supreme @12 celebration. The session was moderated by Prof. Collins Odote.   [gallery size="medium" ids="35119,35120,35121,35122,35123,35124,35125,35126,35127,35128,35129,35130,35131,35132,35133,35134,35135,35136,35137,35138,35139,35140,35141,35142,35143,35144,35145,35146,35147,35148,35149,35150,35151,35152,35153,35154,35155,35156,35157,35158,35159,35160"]...

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CJ Martha Koome launches a new court at Dagoretti

NAIROBI, NEWS RELEASE. Friday, October 11, 2024.  Chief Justice Martha Koome has called upon the National Government, Nairobi County Government, and development partners to cooperate and collaborate with the Judiciary towards addressing barriers that undermine access to justice in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area. Speaking during the launch of a Magistrates Court at Dagoretti in Nairobi County, the Chief Justice said despite great efforts to enhance access to justice within Nairobi, access to judicial services still faces serious challenges because of the high population, socio-economic disparities, rapid development, inadequate number of courts, and other structural and systemic barriers. The Dagoretti Court will...

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Adopt a bold, creative, and innovative approach to lawyering

Adopt a bold, creative, and innovative approach to lawyering NAIROBI. Friday, September 20, 2024 Chief Justice Martha Koome has urged newly admitted advocates to go beyond the traditional confines of litigation and adopt a bold, creative, and innovative approach in their work. Speaking at Milimani Law Courts when she presided over the admission of 70 newly qualified lawyers to the Roll of Advocates, the CJ asked the new advocates to embrace the Multi-Door approach to justice by making use of the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms like Mediation and Alternative Justice Systems (AJS), and participate in public interest litigation. She explained that in doing so,...

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Justice Antony Charo Mrima takes Oath of Office as JSC Commissioner

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the swearing-in ceremony of Justice Antony Mrima as the new Judicial Service Commission member.   [gallery ids="34984,34985,34986,34987,34988,34989,34990,34991,34992,34993,34994,34995,34996,34997"]...

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Judiciaries should forestall and prevent eruption of disputes – CJ Koome

Judiciaries should forestall and prevent eruption of disputes – CJ Koome NAIROBI. Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Chief Justice Martha Koome has called on Judiciaries to engage more actively with communities to identify and address the root causes of conflict before they escalate to full-blown disputes in order to promote social harmony. She said going upstream to promote social harmony in our communities is one of the key roles that African Judiciaries ought to play to fulfil their duty under Aspiration 3 of the AU Agenda 2063 - Good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice, and the rule of law. Other key roles...

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The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has convened this press briefing to address a matter of grave concern – an action that not only undermines judicial independence but also threatens the core principles of the rule of law and constitutionalism in our country. As is now publicly known, Hon. Mr. Justice Lawrence Mugambi, a Judge of the High Court, has been presiding over the case of Law Society of Kenya & 3 Others v. Inspector General of Police & 4 Others, Petition No. E436 of 2024. This case was filed in court following allegations of abduction/arrest of three individuals – Bob Micheni...

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CJ Koome calls for renewed action to create a safe work environment for all as Employment and Labour Relations Court Annual Symposium and Exhibition (ELRASE II) kicks off in Nairobi

CJ Koome calls for renewed action to create a safe work environment for all   NAIROBI, NEWS RELEASE. Monday, September 16, 2024   Chief Justice Martha Koome has called for renewed collective action to achieve a work environment that is free from violence and harassment.   The Chief Justice acknowledged that this responsibility rests not with the courts alone, but also employers, trade unions, policy makers, and civil society, who must work together to forge partnerships, build stronger institutions and create safe and respectful workplaces for all.   “We must ask ourselves whether we are doing enough to protect employees from violence and harassment; are we fostering work...

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Judiciary focuses on Green Justice as one of its strategic priorities

Chief Justice Martha Koome has highlighted Green Justice as one of the strategic priorities the Judiciary is implementing. Speaking during the Judiciary’s Annual Development Partners Briefing held in Nairobi today, the CJ said that the Judiciary has launched the ‘Strategic Guiding Framework for Greening Kenya’s Justice System’, to guide efforts to incorporate environmental sustainability into the operations and decisions of agencies within the justice sector. “We are aligning the operations of court stations, particularly in remote areas, with sustainable practices, such as getting them alternative off grid source of power including solar power,” CJ Koome observed. Addressing participants who included Ambassadors, Heads of...

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