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Magistrates meet in Kisii for their Annual Heads of Stations Forum

Magistrates who head courts stations have converged for the 11th Annual Heads of Stations Forum in Kisii County to exchange ideas and best practices as they strive to be the drivers of innovation and transformation in their courts. Theme: Enhancing Organizational Growth and Sustainability through Shared Leadership. Chief Justice Martha Koome while speaking during the forum directed Magistrates’ Courts countrywide to conduct Rapid Results Initiatives to finalise cases that have been pending for over three years. CJ Koome, who delivered the keynote speech virtually at the start of the 11th Annual Heads of Station Forum, urged courts to prioritise active case and...

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Twenty nominated for the position of the High Judge

The Judicial Service Commission has forwarded 20 names of persons nominated to the position of the High Court Judge to President William Ruto for appointment as judges of the High Court. This is after the Commission interviewed 95 candidates for the position.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33108,33109,33110"]      ...

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DCJ and CRJ visit Mombasa Law Courts to inspect service delivery

Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu and Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya paid a service inspection visit to Mombasa Law Courts, on the sidelines of the Judiciary Management Committee workshop that is chaired by the DCJ. They met with Mombasa Judges of the High Court, the Employment and Labour Relations Court, Environment and Land Court, Chief Kadhi, Head of Station, Magistrates, Adjudicators of Small Claims Court as well as judicial staff. The DCJ called on all members of the Judiciary fraternity to do the right thing and serve Kenyans with diligence. She reminded Judges and Judicial Officers to live by the...

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Isiolo ELC CUC unveiled

ELC Principal Judge, Oscar Angote is joined by the court's Justices, P.M Njoroge of Isiolo, Charles Yano of Meru, and CK Nzili during the unveiling of the Environment and Land CUC for Isiolo. The Committee was tasked to address barriers and establish pathways to land and environmental justice. They were also joined by Hon Rose Makungu- Registrar ELC.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33089,33090,33091,33092"]...

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CRJ holds discussions with the Kenya Judges Welfare Association

In her engagement with the last of the associations representing the Judiciary’s workforce, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya held discussions with the Kenya Judges Welfare Association led by their President Justice P. J. Otieno. CRJ underscored the centrality of Judges to the Judiciary’s mandate and noted the need for consultation and involvement of Judges on policy matters through structured and regular engagement between the administration and Judges in decisions touching on their work. As a start, the Chief Registrar advocated for a new budgeting model that will see greater participation of Judges in designing budget priorities for Superior Courts. The...

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Judge calls for homegrown solutions to resolve land disputes

Judge calls for homegrown solutions to resolve land disputes Communities should find homegrown solutions to land disputes by leveraging initiatives such as the recently established Nairobi Land Justice Working Group that is tasked with delving into comprehensive initiatives for enhancing land justice in Nairobi City County. Speaking at the ELC Open Day and tree planting in Daniel Comboni Primary School in Korogocho, an activity that was also carried out in 40 other counties where the ELC has a presence, the Environment and Land Court (ELC) Principal Judge Oscar Angote said there is need for the community to seek innovative ways that are...

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CRJ visits various court to inspect service delivery and court construction projects

[gallery size="medium" ids="33027,33028,33029,33030,33031,33032,33033,33034,33035,33036,33037,33038,33039,33040,33041,33042,33043,33044,33045,33046,33047,33048,33049,33050,33051,33052,33053,33054"]  ...

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CRJ Mokaya engages with Kenya Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges

In her continuing engagement with internal stakeholders, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya held a meeting with officials of the Kenya Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) this morning, with their discussions centred on strengthening the operations of the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Courts, a brainchild of IAWJ. IAWJ has been instrumental in pushing for speedy resolution of SGBV cases, training of Judges, Judicial officers and other actors in the justice chain to foster a culture of trauma-sensitive trials with Hon. Mokaya advocating for de-briefing sessions for judicial officers who handle the cases. The Chief Registrar commended IAWJ...

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DCJ Mwilu calls for gender equality and justice in the implementation of AJS

Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mbete Mwilu has called for gender equality, equity and justice in the implementation of Alternative Justice Systems mechanism both in composition and process. The DCJ noted that the major challenge affecting the legitimacy of the AJS mechanism is that it disfavors women and girls and fails to accord them the rights due to them. “This failure to protect the rights of women flows from the nature of the societal relations that are reflected in AJS mechanisms; relations based on patriarchal and/or discriminatory structures, where women’s individual interests were subsumed under the ‘interests’ of the group. This societal balance...

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CRJ Mokaya meets Controller of Budget

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Hon Winfridah Mokaya met with the Controller of Budget Dr. Margaret Nyakang’o where they discussed management of public resources and collaboration in enhancing the legal framework governing the Judiciary Fund.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33000"]    ...

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