Court of Appeal Judge, Justice Martha Koome has asked the Council of Governors-COG to lobby for the enactment of a Child Protection Policy in every county and support the Children’s Bill that is currently under review by the Office of the Attorney General to reflect the provisions of the Constitution on child rights. nnSpeaking during a courtesy call by The National Council on Administration of Justice-NCAJ special Taskforce on Children Matters on the Chairperson Gender, Youth, Sports, Education, Culture and Social Services Committee of the Council of Governors-COG, Kericho governor Prof Paul Chepkwony, on Friday, October 19, 2018, Lady Justice Koome lauded the counties that are at various stages of putting together Child Protection Policies and asked the rest of the counties to commence the process.nnThe judge emphasized the need for the counties to invest in the protection of the welfare of children and called upon the Council of Governors to pool resources that will ensure fastracking the law making process in order to safeguard the rights of children.nnGovernor Prof Chepkwony noted that the COG was keen on working closely with the Taskforce to chart a way forward on ways of coordinating justice actors in the counties in the administration of juvenile justice. He welcomed technical support from the Taskforce to assist all counties in coming up with Child Protection Policies that will translate into Bills.nnA working group to spearhead the development and implementation of child protection policies in all counties was also formed composing of members from the Children Taskforce and the Council of Governors.nn