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The Judiciary > Headlines (Page 11)

More Small Claims Courts rolled out at border towns to enhance access to justice

More Small Claims Courts rolled out at border towns to enhance access to justice The Judiciary, through the Office of the Registrar Magistrate Courts, this week, rolled out five more Small Claims Courts (SCC), bringing to 10, the number of Small Claims Courts launched at border towns. During the exercise that is meant to operationalize the courts across the country, the Office of the Registrar Magistrates Courts rolled out Small Claims Courts in Moyale, Mandera, Busia, Malaba and Taveta border towns. Last week the Judiciary launched the SCC at Wajir, Loitokitok, Dadaab, Kakuma and Migori border towns. During the roll outs, a team...

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Judiciary emerges winners in the Nairobi ASK Show

Deputy Chief Justice  Philomena Mwilu receives the trophy for Best Government Social Functions stand from President William Ruto at the on-going Nairobi ASK Show. The Judiciary participated in the exhibition to explain processes and receive feedback. [gallery size="large" ids="31293,31294,31295,31296,31297,31298,31299,31300,31301,31302,31303,31304,31305,31306,31307,31308,31309"]        ...

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Busia team visits prison to check on progress of appeals

Busia High Court Presiding Judge William Musyoka accompanied by Deputy Registrar Tina Madowo and Prosecutor Ms Shirley Chepkonga visited Kisumu Maximum Prison to meet with inmates and prison officials. The meeting deliberated on the progress of appeals and other issues regarding the effective administration of justice.   [gallery size="large" ids="31287,31288,31289,31290"]...

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Pupils attend court proceedings at Malindi for learning purposes

Kingsway Primary School pupils follow court proceedings presided over by Resident Magistrate Irene Thamara, at Malindi Law Courts. The pupils visited the court to learn about its processes & procedures. After the proceedings, they had an interactive Q&A session with the magistrate.   [gallery size="large" ids="31280,31281,31282,31283,31284"]...

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High Court station launched in Kwale

Kwale leaders and residents led by Governor Fatuma Achani joined Mombasa High Court Presiding Judge Olga Sewe during the launch of a High Court station at Kwale Law Courts. The new Registry and High Court will enhance delivery of service and access to justice in the area.   [gallery size="large" ids="31268,31269,31270,31271,31272,31273,31274,31275,31276,31277"]...

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Judge Kiage handsover to Justice Okwengu in Kisumu

Outgoing Kisumu Court of Appeal Presiding Judge Patrick Kiage presents a handing over report to Justice Hannah Okwengu, the incoming Presiding Judge, at a ceremony witnessed by judges, magistrates and staff before chairing his last Bar-Bench meeting.   [gallery size="large" ids="31245,31246,31247,31248,31249,31250,31251,31252,31253,31254,31255"]    ...

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Kabarnet Court excels in ASK Show

Kabarnet Law Courts Head of Station Purity Kosgey receives trophies from Labour CS Simon Chelugui won by the court at the Kabarnet ASK Show for Best Govt Social Functions stand, Best stand Embracing ICT and Best stand that Promotes National Cohesion and Integration Development. [gallery size="large" ids="31237,31238,31239,31240,31241,31242"]...

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Kikuyu court sensitizes public justice sector processes

Kikuyu Law Courts PM, Catherine Mburu and Kabete MP James Wamacukuru led the court's CUC during an Open Day to sensitize the public on various justice sector processes, receive feedback on delivery of service and address issues affecting administration of justice.   [gallery size="large" ids="31231,31232,31233,31234"]...

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