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Author: Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Admin (Page 34)

Introducing our inaugural online newsletter

The fundamental changes we are making internally are intended to not only shift our own perspectives but also radiate and inspire those like you who we relate and work with every day. The National Treasury Circular dated 25th September 2017 directed budget reduction on the current budget due to low performance of revenue and emerging priorities namely repeat of the Presidential election, insecurity, drought response measures and Government of Kenya counterpart funds requirement. ...

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Court Users Committee (CUCs) of Lamu Law Court use the local radio station to demystify the role of the court and functions of stakeholders in the justice sector. During the “Live” radio show, members of the public get an opportunity to engage with CUC members including the Magistrates on pertinent issues affecting them at the courts. The programme seeks to improve service delivery and administration of justice to the people of Lamu County. ...

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The installation of solar panels by the Court Users Committee (CUC) has improved delivery of service at the Kilungu Law Courts.  The Law Courts had been facing frequent power outages which caused delays in delivery of services. Proceedings in Court were affected as well as the typing of decisions on cases. Court rooms, registries, offices and cells were also plunged into darkness with every power outage. The court was also forced to outsource typing services with the attendant costs and inefficiencies. Litigants also experienced delays in the processing of fines and refunds owing to lack of access to online banking.  With a...

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The construction site for the new Kajiado High Court building was handed over to Misbah Network Limited Contractors. The new court building will cost Ksh.351million and is expected to take 18 months to complete. The new court will bring justice closer to the residents of the expansive Kajiado County. The Kajiado Law court will be the 29th court to be constructed supported by the World Bank Group through Judicial Performance Improvement Project that aims at improving access to courts and reducing distances litigants have to travel to receive justice. Kajiado Law Courts are located in Central Kajiado County. The original Kajiado...

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Performance evaluation and target setting exercise was conducted by several teams from the Performance Management and Measurement Steering Committee with technical support from Performance Management Directorate. Using the Performance Management and Measurement Understandings (PMMUs) instruments, the process entailed systematic setting of performance targets and assessing achievements made against evidence of implementation. The highly consultative exercise was conducted between September and November 2017 and evaluated the performance of the courts for the financial year 2016-2017 and set the targets for the 2017-2018 financial year. The exercise, which is in the third cycle of implementation, targeted all courts, registries, directorates and semi-autonomous...

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The design for the new Kapsabet High Court was presented to Court Users Committee, Judicial Officers & Staff, other justice sector stakeholders and members of the public. Trioscape Ltd, a consultant firm, after the presentation collected views and suggestions that can be incorporated into the final design of the court. The Judiciary encourages public participation in the development of its infrastructure. The new High Court in Nandi County will reduce the distances litigants have to travel to Eldoret and other courts to have their cases heard. The court will have eight (8) court rooms, 11 chambers, spacious registries, separate cells...

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In order to de-congest overcrowded registries, the Judiciary is procuring 28 shipping containers that will be refurbished for use as registries.   The fully equipped and furnished containers will   improve storage, retrieval and tracking of court files and make service delivery in the justice system more efficient and effective.  These refurbished registries will give effect to the newly developed registry operation manuals that guide the organization and operation of a registry to ensure that it is systematic, efficient and transparent.  A well-organized registry will assist in the reduction of incidences of loss of files and will be the foundation for automation...

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The people of Mukurwe’ini Constituency, Nyeri County will be receiving a 5 story Magistrate Court that will contribute towards improving the timeliness of Judiciary Services. The litigants and stakeholders will be able to receive quality services and enable the Judiciary to dispense justice equally to all. The new court building will have 4 court rooms, 5 chambers, spacious registries, separate cells for male, female and juveniles, offices for prosecution counsel, witness protection room, ramps for physically challenged for both litigants and staff and other facilities required by law. The Court was initially started at Tambaya market during the colonial period. The...

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A new court building will be constructed within 18 months. The 4 storey building named “Justice Tower” by Court Users Committee of Mombasa Law Court, will contribute towards improving the timeliness of Judiciary Services by de-congesting the already overcrowded facilities. The Justice Tower will be able to accommodate the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC) which is currently leasing premises. It is hoped that with improved and spacious facilities, more judicial officers and staff will be deployed to the court leading to reduction of case back log and more efficient dispensation of justice.  The first court in Kenya was built in...

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The construction of the Molo Law Courts is expected to be complete by February 2018. Ninety eight percent of the construction works is complete and it is partially occupied by Judiciary. Court users are very pleased with the design of the building and the spacious facilities it offers. “We used to have a very small court, people couldn’t fit inside the court rooms but now we have a very big court building with spacious court rooms.” says Michael Kiama of Elburgon, Molo Constituency. Kiama, a church elder who was at the court for his case, stated that he is very happy...

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