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Author: Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Admin (Page 22)


Nyando Court was established in 1921 as Native Tribunal. It was renamed Nyando African Court operating from under a tree. The court comprised of a Chief Native Commissioner, an African Court Officer and an African appointed by then the Governor of Kenya. One of the appointees was Shadrack Malo, a former president of the central Nyanza Court of Appeals. The first building was in 1940. The old Court housed 2 Magistrates, staff and records of over 1800 cases. Judicial officers and staff worked in squeezed premises hazardous to their health and safety, but this is now in the past. The new...

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Official Opening of the Kigumo Court

The Chief Justice David Maranga officially opened the Kigumo Law Court jointly with members of the local community in Muranga County on 1st of November. The new Law Court now replaces the previous dilapidated buildings which had existed from 1917.The new building consists of three court rooms, three chambers, and registries for each division and separate holding facilities for men, women and juveniles complete with toilets, library for judicial officers and advocates together with a lounge. Kigumo Law Court case load is over 2000 cases per year, shared between three magistrates. They have a case clearance rate of 100% which means...

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