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Author: Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Admin (Page 26)

Chief Magistrate’s Staff Welfare Association unveiled

Chief Magistrate’s Staff Welfare Association unveiled Part of the welfare’s objectives is to assist and support members during bereavement, hospitalization and retirement. The organization also aims to cater for members occupational safety and health training among others Speaking during the meeting, Chief Magistrate, Francis Andayi who is also the patron of the organization said the association can also be used as a mouth piece for members to voice issues such as unfair treatment in the workplace and also issues related to sexual harassment The welfare association is chaired by Resident Magistrate, Christine Njagi, Secretary Nancy Kiratu and Treasurer Stephen Aruro.   [caption id="attachment_5742" align="alignnone" width="300"]...

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Hon Lady Justice Roselyne Ekirapa Aburili on her graduation with a Masters Degree in Public Policy from the Kenyatta University on 4thAugust. Justice Aburili who is a judge in the Judicial Review Division is also currently undertaking her masters LLM Degree at the University of Nairobi School of Law. This is in addition to her Bachelors Degree in Law from the University of Nairobi and a Diploma from the Kenya School of Law.        ...

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Judiciary Museum: A memorable gem at the Supreme Court building

A display of artifacts in the Judiciary Museum The Judiciary Museum opened its doors to the public in June 2016. The facility is located in the Eastern wing of the Supreme Court Building basement, and one of its kind in East Africa and beyond. It showcases the rich history of the Judiciary featuring documents and objects of great judicial heritage value. The project was implemented in partnership with the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) over three years and cost the taxpayer Sh70 Million. The idea behind developing a museum originated from the need to open the Judiciary to the public to create understanding and awareness of its history, development and role in society aimed at...

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Nyeri Court of Appeal reduces appeal time

Nyeri Court of Appeal has reduced waiting time for appeal cases from seven years in 2013 to one year in 2017 as a result of the decentralization of the court of Appeal. The court’s Deputy Registrar, Harrison Adika, says while that is commendable, they are working to achieve real-time hearing of the cases, meaning the public would get a hearing date fixed at the time of filing. Nyeri Court was the first ever devolved Court of Appeal, inaugurated on June 24, 2013, by former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga. Hon Adika noted that before then, the Appeal Court in Nairobi would make circuits in...

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Alternative Justice System bears fruit at Nkubu

Nkubu Law Courts concluded over 250 matters between February and June 2017, through Alternative Justice System [AJS]. This follows an initiative by Nkubu Law Courts Magistrate Hon Joan Irura in conjunction with the local probation office. “Alternative Justice System has really reduced case backlog especially of old cases in the court,” said Hon Irura. She added that at the time she was introducing AJS at the court, there were over 700 old cases pending. AJS is an approach to justice that allows victims and offenders to mediate and come to an agreement that is acceptable to all the parties. This process also involves...

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Covering the 2017 Presidential Petition: A DPAC Story

Personnel from media houses mount equipment in readiness for the Presidential election petition hearing at the Supreme Court in September 2017.The Judiciary was a beehive of activities ahead of the hearing and determination of the Presidential Election Petition at the Supreme Court held in August. Among other activities meant to prepare for the disputed presidential election was organizing the media houses to cover the event that attracted local and international attention. Over 50 media houses including vernacular radio stations as well as foreign and international media were accredited to cover the petition. This is the second time the court was preparing...

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