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Author: Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Admin (Page 27)

Court beats odds to deliver service

In the hustle and bustle that is characteristic of Kitale town in Trans Nzoia County, lies  Kitale Law Courts located on the busy Moi Avenue. The court, comprising of a High Court, Environment and Land Court (ELC) and the lower courts (Magistrates and Kadhis courts), is a beehive of activities as evidenced by the court users who mill in the corridors of justice seeking court services.   A customer care officer  serves clients at Kitale Law Courts Quite notable, is the busy customer care desk with an officer on his feet, distributing IEC materials, forms and assisting court users to locate court rooms, chambers and...

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Mobile Courts: Taking justice closer to the people in Kapenguria

Kapenguria Law Courts is located in Kapenguria town West Pokot County. Justice Stephen Githinji is the Presiding Judge and has a jurisdiction of the entire West Pokot region. He was the first judge to be posted there following the establishment of the High Court station in September 2015. Kapenguria Law Court, Executive Officer, Samuel Okodoi, demonstrates the distance covered by court officials to take the mobile courts to the people “The work load is growing since most people find it easier to come here, services have been taken closer to the people although at the moment we are operating in a small court building donated by the County Government of West Pokot,” said Justice Githinji. The...

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Kapenguria law courts, a court with a difference

As early as 8 am on a weekday, Kapenguria Law Courts is abuzz with activities, to meet the judicial needs of residents in West Pokot County. At its entrance, one would not miss to spot the lower court’s criminal and traffic registries. Here, officers attend to litigants and other court users from all walks of life.                       Kapenguria Law Courts in West Pokot County.   Quite noticeable, is the evident human traffic that throngs the court to seek court services, every single day, in a county spread over a 9,169 square-kilometer area. By 9 am...

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Down memory lane: Kilungu Nunguni pioneer court

Established in 1918, Kilungu Law Courts lying at the peak of Nunguni town is among the native Courts that were established by the British protectorate. The Native Court was headed by a Division Officer and District Commissioner who had both administrative and judicial powers. Matters that were brought before them were first heard by the elders then brought to the DC and DO who formed a quorum for them to prosecute. The native Court was headed by an African Court officer who was British and was the link between the other lower courts and the High Court. The first African magistrate of the court,...

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The power of solar in delivering justice

Solar Panels mounted on the roof In the last couple of years, the Kilungu Law Court had been facing frequent power outages which caused delays in delivery of services. Proceedings in Court were affected as appellants who required typed court records for appeal purposes were not available on time. Court rooms, registries, offices and cells were frequently plunged into darkness. Further, the court was also forced to outsource typing services at a cyber café at the nearest market place. Litigants experienced delays in the processing of fines and refunds owing to lack of access to online banking services. This made the court...

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Maua Law Courts Excels in Records Digitization

Maua Law Courts Excels in Records Digitization The Integrated Case Management Systems – ICMS Committee started its work in earnest under the leadership of Principal Judge Richard Mwongo having been appointed by then Chief Justice Dr Willy Mutunga in 2014 to spearhead the digitization of Judiciary processes. The digitalization processes in the past hit a snag because the choice of technology was not done with users in mind. The Judiciary also came up with the Judiciary Information Communication Technology draft policy which was to guide the automation of the Judiciary systems. Some court stations have taken it upon themselves to go ahead of the...

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JCE meet with Carter Center delegation

A delegation from the Carter Center led by senior legal expert Don Bisson held a meeting with members of the Judiciary Committee on Elections-JCE, chaired by High Court judge, Justice Msahga Mbogholo at Milimani Law Courts to discuss the Center's report and recommendations from the 2017 general election ahead of the launch of its report on the 2017 Kenya General and Presidential Elections. In attendance was High Court Principal Judge, Lady Justice Lydia Achode. ...

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NCCJR join ICJ in marking the Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Reforms

Members of the NCAJ’s National Committee on Criminal Justice Reforms-NCCJR led by High Court Judge, Lady Justice Grace Ngenye joined the ICJ-Kenya Chapter in marking the Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Reforms in Nairobi.   High Court Principal Judge, Lady Justice Lydia Achode, who read Chief Justice David Maraga’s speech said the Judiciary is committed to ensuring that all laws that do not conform to the Bill of Rights within the Constitution are reformed.   Justice Grace Ngenye gave a score-card of the Committee’s performance during the conference. She said the committee aims at submitting a Bill on criminal justice reforms at the conclusion...

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