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Author: Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Admin (Page 35)


Land of approximately 3.5 acres at the Kakamega Law Court was handed over to Hashit Constractors Ltd for the construction of a new High Court building. The 5 story High Court building will contribute towards improving the timeliness of Judiciary services and dispensation of justice. The building will have 8 court rooms, 11 chambers, a well-organized registry that will make retrieval of files easier, a library, offices for prosecution counsel, police, prison and probation officers. Litigants will access information and quality services at the banking hall. The current building was built in 1967 as a Magistrate Court and upgraded to a...

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World Bank Tours Kigumo Law Courts

The World Bank is pleased with the on-going court constructions. The Country Director of the World Bank, Diariétou Gaye observed that good progress is being made towards bringing justice closer to the people. While touring the Kigumo Law Courts, the country director was informed that the court construction is at 98% towards completion. The court is among 30 other courts being constructed/rehabilitated and are at various stages of completion. The construction/rehabilitation of the courts is supported by the World Bank whose outcome is to improve access to court and provide timely services to the public by the Judiciary. The Country...

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Court construction by JPIP at different stages

The court construction works of Judiciary Law Courts are progressing on well and are at different stages towards completion. The new courts being constructed under the World Bank supported programme of Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) are expected to improve the dispensation of justice and bring quality services closer to the people. They shall have state of the art facilities including ICT Technology, spacious court rooms and registries, separate cells for men/women/juvenile, protected witness rooms, libraries, adequate chambers and offices, ramps for the physically challenged and many other facilities. In some courts, the facilities are already being occupied as other...

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