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The Judiciary > Blog List with Right Sidebar (Page 111)

Judiciary to clear over 5,000 old cases

Judiciary to clear over 5,000 old casesnThe Judiciary has embarked on hearing and determining court cases that are older than five years in the court system in a move that will see over 5,000 cases cleared in a period of one month, countrywide.nThe service week exercise targets 5, 187 matters, which include civil, criminal, commercial and judicial review cases in nine High Court stations in the country starting September 3 – 28, 2018.nThe cases have been listed before the Judges for hearings, dismissals and/or appropriate directions.nThe stations are Meru, Machakos, Kakamega, Mombasa, Eldoret, Nyeri, Embu, Bungoma and Milimani (Judicial Review...

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IMPACT OF JUDICIARY BUDGET CUT. By Shikhutuli Namusyule and Lilian Mueni The Constitution of Kenya 2010 gave the impetus to reform and restructuring of the country’s justice sector. This was aimed at ensuring that the Judiciary plays a key role in advancing and stabilising our democracy.   Besides the Constitutional imperative to deliver efficient service, the public demanded an efficient, effective and responsive institution. The Judiciary, being a key player in the Justice System, embarked on a transformation path that has seen it reform the way justice is delivered to the people and restore public faith and confidence.   A lot has gone into this process...

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African Judicial Network on Environmental Law to be hosted in Kenya

FRIDAY, August 03, 2018 Leaders of African judiciaries meeting in Maputo, Mozambique, today resolved to have the African Judicial Network on Environmental Law hosted by Kenya. The country will also host the next regional Symposium on Greening the Judiciaries in Africa, an initiative supported by United Nations Environment Programme. It is scheduled to take place in 2020. Chief Justice David Maraga told participants at the end of the conference that Kenya was delighted to host the next meeting and said he hoped it would be "even bigger than this one," referring to the Maputo meeting where more than 20 Chief Justices attended. Presidents of...

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CJ Maraga constitutes five-judge-bench

August 15, 2018   CONSTITUTION OF FIVE-JUDGE BENCH Chief Justice David Maraga has today, August 15, 2018, constituted the following five-judge-bench Hon Lady Justice Lydia Achode (Presiding) Hon Justice (Prof) Joel Ngugi Hon Lady Justice Pauline Nyamweya Hon Justice Eric Ogola Hon Justice Antony Mrima to hear the matter below:                                                                    REPUBLIC OF KENYA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA                CONSTITUTIONAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS DIVISION                     CONSTITUTIONAL PETITION NO. 159 OF 2018   IN THE MATTER OF:         CONTRAVENTION AND THREATENED CONTRAVENTION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS ENSHRINED UNDER ARTICLES 6, 10, 43(1), 55, 174 & 186 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA AND IN THE MATTER OF:         DEFENCE OF THE CONSTITUTION...

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Judiciary to deal with corruption cases in accordance with the law

Judiciary to deal with corruption cases in accordance with the lawnnMONDAY, August 20, 2018nnJudiciary is committed to ensuring that all the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes cases brought before courts are dealt with impartially, expeditiously and in accordance with the law and the evidence presented.nnChief Justice David Maraga said that this is the only way Judiciary can maintain the confidence of the people it serves.nnSpeaking when he officially opened the Annual Judges’ Colloquium in Mombasa, the CJ noted that Judiciary will be professional when handling the cases and urged other actors in the justice chain to be equally diligent and professional...

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