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Court Users Committee deliberates on re-opening Nairobi City County Law Courts

Nairobi City County Law Courts Head of Station Senior Principal Magistrate Rhoda Yator chaired the court's Court Users Committee meeting convened to deliberated on issues regarding the re-opening of court.   [gallery size="large" ids="32297,32298,32299"]    ...

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Court Annexed Mediation registry opened at Kabarnet court

Justice Rachel Ngetich presides over the official opening of Court Annexed Mediation (CAM) registry at Kabarnet Law Courts in Baringo County. This is after a sensitization exercise on CAM was conducted for Court Users Committee members and the public.    ...

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CUC members sensitize public on AJS

Taita Taveta County Court Users Committee members led by Voi Law Courts Chief Magistrate Mildred Obura sensitize members of public in Voi on the need to embrace Alternative Justice System (AJS), as a way of solving disputes in the community. [gallery size="large" ids="32270,32271,32272,32273,32274,32275,32276,32277"]...

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CJ Koome commissions team to embark on search of sustainable solutions to land disputes in Nairobi

CJ Koome commissions Nairobi Land Justice Working Group Chief Justice Martha Koome has commissioned a multi-agency team that will be responsible for expeditious and sustainable resolution of land disputes in Nairobi City County. The Nairobi Land Justice Working Group that comprises of all key players in the land justice sector is tasked with identifying the root causes and address systemic and endemic challenges in the administration of land justice. The group is also expected to engage with the public and stakeholders to secure lasting solutions to land disputes and foster a prosperous and harmonious future. The Working Group will be expected to recommend...

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Justice Fatuma Sichale takes Oath of Office as the new Court of Appeal representative to the JSC

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the swearing in of Justice Fatuma Sichale as the representative of the Court of Appeal to the Judicial Service Commission. Justice Sichale replaces Justice Mohamed Warsame, whose term ended. [gallery size="large" ids="32178,32179,32180,32181,32182,32183"]...

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Judiciary prepares its 2024/25 work and procurement plans

Judiciary's Director of Finance Beatrice Kamau makes a presentation during the North Eastern, Upper Eastern and Nairobi Regions’ Workshop for the Preparation of FY 2024/25 Work and Procurement Plans. The forum was also addressed by JSC Commissioner Everlyne Olwande.   [gallery size="large" ids="32106,32107,32108,32109,32110,32111"]    ...

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CJ Koome, the Joint-Winner in the African Female Leader Category of the African Leadership Magazine 2023 Awards

PRESS RELEASE.     December 20, 2023 CJ KOOME EMERGES JOINT-WINNER IN THE AFRICAN FEMALE LEADER CATEGORY OF THE AFRICAN LEADERSHIP MAGAZINE (ALM) 2023 AWARDS Chief Justice Martha Koome has emerged a joint-winner in the African Female Leader category of the African Leadership Magazine (ALM) Persons of the Year 2023 Awards. The board and management of the African Leadership Organisation (UK) Limited, publishers of the African Leadership Magazine (ALM), named Chief Justice Koome joint winner following a two-step selection process, which included a call for nominations and an online voting poll that closed at midnight (CAT) on Thursday, 14 December 2023. The award was largely...

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Court of Appeal Judges Visit Charity Home to Raise Awareness on Mental Health

Court of Appeal Judges Visit Charity Home to Raise Awareness on Mental Health Judges of Appeal including Lady Justice Wanjiru Karanja, Justice Patrick Kiage, Lady Justice Fatuma Sichale, Lady Justice Jamila Mohammed, Lady Justice Ali-Aroni and Justice Mwaniki Gachoka, as well as staff members on December 16, 2023 paid a visit to the Missionaries of Charity Mother Teresa Home for the Mentally Challenged in Ngumba Estate in Nairobi. This was part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. The initiative focussed on raising awareness and giving visibility and attention to issues surrounding mental health. The Missionaries of Charity Mother Teresa Home is...

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More Small Claims Courts opened in the country

The Office of the Registrar Magistrates Court rolled out more Small Claims Courts in Kericho, Nanyuki, Chuka, Embu and Kerugoya. This brings the tally to 37 Small Claims Courts, and one sub-registry at Makueni, operationalized within the country. During the rollout, officers from the office of the Registrar Magistrates Court trained judicial officers and staff at the court stations on the operations of the Small Claims Courts. They also undertook stakeholder engagement activities. To this end, the court has been rolled out in the 33 counties namely Nairobi, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Kericho, Uasin Gishu, Machakos, Nakuru, Nyeri, Kakamega, Mombasa, Kisumu, Meru, Turkana,...

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Judiciary’s football team hosts charity football match

Mahakama Legends, the Judiciary’s football team, hosted a charity football match against Kuludeng team at Don Bosco Kuwinda grounds. Proceeds raised during the match were channelled to support the Tree House Children’s Home in Nairobi. [gallery size="large" ids="31994,31995,31996"]    ...

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