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Environment and Planning Division holds inaugural stakeholder meeting

The newly established Environment and Planning Division of the Environment and Land Court (ELC) held its first stakeholder meeting to introduce its mandate as well as initiate collaborative dialogue. Speaking during the meeting, held in Nairobi on February 15, 2024, Head of the Division, Justice Anne Omollo, said the vision of establishing two divisions within the Court was a commitment made to Kenyans during the ELC’s 10th anniversary celebrations. The initiative is aimed at enhancing the visibility of the environmental wing of the Court, which had been primarily associated with land disputes. “I am pleased to announce that this vision was realized...

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Judiciary to construct modern courthouse at Takaba in Mandera County

Takaba Kadhi Court Senior Resident Kadhi Hussein Mohammed, members of Takaba Court Users Committee as well as Judiciary's Directorate of Building Services officers QS David Ruto and Architect Jaffar Suleiman at the proposed site for the construction of modern courthouse. The team visited the area to handover the site to the contractor for the construction of Takaba Law Courts building. The court that will house magistrates and Kadhis courtrooms will serve Takaba and Banisa areas.   [gallery size="large" ids="32310,32311,32312"]...

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Court Users Committee deliberates on re-opening Nairobi City County Law Courts

Nairobi City County Law Courts Head of Station Senior Principal Magistrate Rhoda Yator chaired the court's Court Users Committee meeting convened to deliberated on issues regarding the re-opening of court.   [gallery size="large" ids="32297,32298,32299"]    ...

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Court Annexed Mediation registry opened at Kabarnet court

Justice Rachel Ngetich presides over the official opening of Court Annexed Mediation (CAM) registry at Kabarnet Law Courts in Baringo County. This is after a sensitization exercise on CAM was conducted for Court Users Committee members and the public.    ...

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CJ Koome commissions team to embark on search of sustainable solutions to land disputes in Nairobi

CJ Koome commissions Nairobi Land Justice Working Group Chief Justice Martha Koome has commissioned a multi-agency team that will be responsible for expeditious and sustainable resolution of land disputes in Nairobi City County. The Nairobi Land Justice Working Group that comprises of all key players in the land justice sector is tasked with identifying the root causes and address systemic and endemic challenges in the administration of land justice. The group is also expected to engage with the public and stakeholders to secure lasting solutions to land disputes and foster a prosperous and harmonious future. The Working Group will be expected to recommend...

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The Changing Landscape of Justice in Kenya: A 60-Year Journey

The Changing Landscape of Justice in Kenya: A 60-Year Journey By Hon. Justice Martha Koome The changing landscape of justice in Kenya reflects the social and political transformation of our country over the last 60 years. The main goal of these transformative initiatives has been to improve the institutional performance of the Judiciary and to enhance access to justice for all Kenyans.   At independence in 1963, the Judiciary was perceived as an extension of the colonial government, often favouring colonial interests in its decisions, creating the need to indigenise the institution by increasing the representation of Kenyan nationals in key judicial positions....

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Judiciary launches blueprint and presents annual report

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the launch the Social Transformation through Access to Justice (STAJ) 2023-2033 blueprint & Presentation of the State of the Judiciary and the Administration of Justice Annual Report (SOJAR) 2022-2023.     [gallery size="medium" ids="31746,31747,31748,31749,31750,31751,31752,31753,31754,31755,31756,31757,31758,31759,31760,31761,31762,31763,31764,31765,31766,31767,31768,31769,31770,31771,31772,31773"]...

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Nyahururu Court Annexed Mediation Registry opened

A member of the Court Annexed Mediation (CAM) Taskforce Justice Aggrey Muchelule speaks during the launch of the Court Annexed Mediation Registry at Nyahururu Law Courts. Also present at the function were Judges Anthony Ndung'u and Kossy Bor as well as Nyahururu Law Courts Head of Station Chief Magistrate Evans Keago and Hon Muthoni Mwangi from the Court Annexed Mediation Secretariat, other judicial officers and staff, and stakeholders.   [gallery size="medium" ids="31688,31689,31690,31691,31692,31693,31694"]...

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CRJ Amadi opens Milimani Law Courts Annex

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi officially opens the Milimani Law Courts Annex. The building formerly known as Forodha House is adjacent to Milimani Law Courts. The building houses the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC), Environment and Land Court (ELC) as well as the Chief Magistrate Anti Corruption Courts. Others are the Small Claims Court, Court Annexed Mediation and Tribunals secretariat.   [gallery size="medium" ids="31660,31661,31662,31663,31664,31665,31666,31667,31668,31669,31670,31671,31672,31673,31674,31675"]  ...

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