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The Judiciary > Blog List with Right Sidebar (Page 66)

CRJ Amadi inspects service delivery at Narok Court

CRJ Anne Amadi inspects the upscaling of court operations and adherence to MOH guidelines at Narok Court. Clients are required to wash their hands, sanitize & have their temperature checked at the gate. Only then are they issued with a special chit to anable them access the court.nn nn ...

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JSC Registrar inspects service delivery at Ogembo Court

JSC Registrar W. Mokaya leading a Judiciary team from Nairobi on an inspection tour of  service delivery at Ogembo Law Courts in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Glass screens have been put up in Ogembo Courts  to prevent possible cross infection between Judicial Officers and clients.nn nn ...

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Green Judiciary List Of Participants

REGIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON GREENING JUDICIARIES IN AFRICA 1-3 AUGUST 2018 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS JUDICIAL TRAINING INSTITUTES   Country Name of participant and institution Contact details   Benin Madame Pulchérie DONOUMASSOU SIMEON  Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable 00 229 97 73 49 46 / 00 229 90 03 17 80 /00 229 94 55 28 29    Burkina Faso Monsieur DJIGA Habib Ahmed Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature   Monsieur Kaboré Sandaogo Antoine   Burundi   Monsieur Bienvenu NIYONGABO  Avocat et membre de la Commission Stages et formation du Barreau   Monsieur Eric NKURUNZIZA  Avocat, Formateur et professeur de droit de l’environnement   Central Africa Republic Monsieur Alexis N'DUI-YABELA  Directeur Général de l'ENAM (RCA) Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature   Monsieur...

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