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The Judiciary > Blog List with Right Sidebar (Page 127)

Seek alternative dispute resolutions to unlock family wealth says Judge Muchelule

Kenyans have been asked to embrace out-of-court dispute resolution mechanisms with regard to family rows over property in order to fast track justice in the country.nHigh Court Family Division Presiding Judge, Justice Aggrey Muchelule noted billions of shillings are locked up in succession cases due to family disputes a situation he said denied the families, access to family wealth.nSpeaking during the marking of the United Nations International Day of the Family in Nairobi, Judge Muchelule said the Family Division has rolled out mediation across the country as alternative dispute resolution mechanism that will help resolve many family disputes.nSaying that there...

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Court construction by JPIP at different stages

The court construction works of Judiciary Law Courts are progressing on well and are at different stages towards completion. The new courts being constructed under the World Bank supported programme of Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) are expected to improve the dispensation of justice and bring quality services closer to the people. They shall have state of the art facilities including ICT Technology, spacious court rooms and registries, separate cells for men/women/juvenile, protected witness rooms, libraries, adequate chambers and offices, ramps for the physically challenged and many other facilities. In some courts, the facilities are already being occupied as other...

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