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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 24)

Presidential Task Force on the Review of Power Purchase Agreements team takes Oath of Office

Senior Principal Magistrate in the Office of the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Hon Joseph Were presided over the administration of Oath of Office and Secrecy for the Chairperson, Members and Joint Secretaries of the Presidential Task Force on the Review of Power Purchase Agreements appointed via Gazette Notice No. 3076 of March 29, 2021.nnThose who took Oath of Office are Mr John Ngumi (Chair) and members: Mr. Kennedy Ogeto, Hon. Justice (Rtd.) Aaron Ringera, Dr. James McFie, Mr. Mohammed Nyaoga, Dr. Elizabeth Muli, Eng. Stanley Kamau, Ms. Wanjiku Wakogi, Eng. Isaac Kiva, Ms. Caroline Kittony, Eng. Elizabeth Rogo, Mr....

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NOTICE: Call for Comments & Invitation for Public Participation on the Draft HIV and AIDS Rules of Procedure, 2020

nNOTICE: Call for Comments and Invitation for Public Participation on the Draft HIV and AIDS Rules of Procedure, 2020. nnn nnnDOWNLOAD DRAFT RULES HERE: [  Draft Rules ]nnn nnnTo participate in virtual public hearing on the draft rules on Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 2pm visit link: [ Teams Microsoft Link    ]nn n...

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Interview schedule for the position of the Chief Justice and the President of the Supreme Court of Kenya

The interviews for the position of Chief Justice are scheduled to take place from April 12 - 23, 2021. Ten candidates will be interviewed (one candidate per day starting at 9am). You can follow the interviews live and regular updates on  JSC social media pages.nn ...

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