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OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR TRIBUNALSnNOTICEnPursuant to the directives issued vide the internal memo dated 15th March, 2020 by the Hon. Chief Justice / President of the Supreme Court of Kenya in regard to the measures aimed at preventing the spreading of COVID -19; the leadership of the Judiciary has issued further directives following the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID -19 global pandemic.nnVide a memo dated 23rd March, 2020, the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary has directed that all staff will be required to work from home until further advised.nnKindly get in touch with us through Email; or Mobile...

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Judiciary directs all its staff to work from home

News Release. The Judiciary directs all its staff to work from home.  NAIROBI. TUESDAY, March 24, 2020 nnThe Judiciary has directed all its staff to work from home in order to protect them and the entire Judiciary fraternity from the Coronavirus.nnChief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi said the Judiciary has prioritized the safety and health of the entire Judiciary family after reviewing the statement issued by the Cabinet Secretary for Health on the seriousness of the pandemic.nnShe directed court stations to notify the public of the directive, provide telephone and email contact details to facilitate urgent matters which cannot wait, ensure...

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Communications and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal hold public participation workshop in Garissa on its draft rules

The Communications and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal (CAMAT) held a public participation workshop in Garissa to seek public views on the draft CAMAT rules.nnLed by its chairperson Hon Anne Mwangi, the workshop brought together various players in the justice sector such as Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC), Law Society of Kenya (LSK), civil society groups, as well as members of the public.nnThe participants were taken through the rules and given an opportunity to give their views on the draft rules. nnFurther, they were sensitized on the role of the Tribunal whose mandate is to arbitrate on disputes arising from the information, communications...

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Rules committee engages public in Bungoma on Protection Against Domestic Violence Rules

The Rules Committee led by Justice George Odunga held an interactive public participation and stakeholder engagement exercise at Bungoma Law Courts. The forum is aimed at  sensitizing the public on the Protection Against Domestic Violence Rules (PADV).nn nn ...

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Regional Forum on Alternative Dispute Resolution and Customary & Informal Justice.

Chief Justice David Maraga officially opened the Regional Forum on Alternative Dispute Resolution and Customary and Informal Justice. The Conference was co-hosted by the Judiciary, IDLO and the ICJ and is aimed at regional (African) dialogues regarding alternative justice systems.nn[gallery masterslider="true" autoplay="true" ids="18120,18119,18118,18117,18116,18115,18114,18113,18112"]nn ...

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Judge Lenaola elected President of the International Association of Refugee & Migration Judges

PRESS RELEASE. Nairobi.   February 21, 2020.    The Hon. Justice Isaac Lenaola, Judge of the Supreme Court of Kenya, has been elected, unopposed, as President of the International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges. (IARMJ).nnThe election was conducted at the conclusion of the Association’s Annual Conference and AGM at the Raddison Hotel, San Josè, Costa Rica on Thursday, 20th February 2020.nnThe theme of the Conference was: A New World on the Move: The Realities of Irregular Mass Migration and the Challenges Facing Asylum and Immigration Judges.nnThe Association, formed in 1997 in Warsaw, Poland, brings together appellate Judges and adjudicators in the interpretation and...

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