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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 29)

Ag. CJ Philomena Mwilu at CoG farewell luncheon for Rtd CJ Maraga

"We must strengthen the relationship between our institutions and reinforce the Judiciary’s wider constitutional andnadministrative mandate to enhance and strengthen devolution," Ag. Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu at CoG farewell luncheon for Rtd CJ Maraga. Readmorenn nn nn ...

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Members of various tribunals take oath of office at Supreme Court

Deputy Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Hon. Paul Ndemo today presided over the swearing-in ceremony of member of various Tribunals. Those who were sworn in are: nnA). Sports Disputes Tribunal -nn 1. Gabriel Ouko OhanyannB). Cooperative Tribunaln1. Gitonga KamitinnC). Communications & Multimedia Appeals Tribunaln1. Ms. Rosemary Wacera Kurian2. Ms. Damaris Kemunto Nyabutin3. Mr. Mukira Ramadhan Abubakarn4. Ms. Vivienne Atieno Namadoann nn ...

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New guidelines for courts in respect to e-Services

December 24, 2020. NEW GUIDELINES ISSUED TO COURTS IN RESPECT TO E-SERVICESnThe Judiciary has embarked on a bold digital transformation journey that has grown in leaps and bounds during the Covid-19 pandemic period. Judges and magistrates have been empowered with equipment, facilities and training to deliver justice digitally ensuring that the wheels of justice don’t grind to a halt despite the limited physical court appearances.nAmong the flagship projects was the digital transformation of Nairobi courts which went completely paperless on July 1, 2020. Services such as e-filing, e-service, e-payment are now exclusively offered online. Courts across the country have all adopted...

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Court officials meet to discuss case tracking and e-Filing systems

Deputy Registrars & court administrators from registries of all Divisions in Milimani Law Courts &  ICT officers when they held a working retreat in Mombasa to review the case tracking and e-filing systems and how to improve the systems for efficient service delivery in courts. nn ...

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Deputy Chief Justice and Acting CJ Philomena Mwilu swears two more members of National Land Commission

The Deputy Chief Justice and Acting CJ, Philomena Mwilu to today presided over the swearing in of two more members of  the National Land Commission (NLC). Those who took Oath of Office are: Esther Murugi and Tiya Galgalo. The Oaths were administered by Deputy Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Paul Maina. nn nn ...

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