Judiciary excels at this years ASK in Kakamega
Judiciary emerged the best in the category 'Government Ministries' stand, during this year's ASK show in Kakamega. nn nn nn ...
Continue readingJudiciary emerged the best in the category 'Government Ministries' stand, during this year's ASK show in Kakamega. nn nn nn ...
Continue readingJustice Matheka Teresia leads Alternative Justice System (AJS) training for elders at Othaya law court. ...
Continue readingEmbu Law Courts now joins ten other courts in the regions to operationalise Court Annexed Mediation.nFollowing the successful implementation of mediation in Nairobi since 2016, the Judiciary earmarked ten other counties to have CAM operational.nLast year, The Chief Justice David Maraga gazetted Practice Directions to guide the roll out of CAM in ten counties namely, Eldoret, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Kisii, Machakos, Garissa, Embu, Kakamega and Embu.n Justice Aggrey Muchelule who led the team in Embu noted that this alternative form of dispute resolution will help in clearing backlog of of civil related casesnDuring a courtesy call on the Embu County...
Continue readingJustice David Majanja and Hon Nyotah meeting with Kisii County Human Rights Defenders (HRDS) with Commissioner Wakonyo of KNCHR. The meeting discussed how to improve access to justice with HRDS. ...
Continue readingChief Justice David Maraga unveiled the 2017/2018 Performance Management and Measurement Understandings evaluation report. This is the third cycle evaluation report.nn nn ...
Continue readingChief Justice David Maraga presided over the swearing in of Mr Macharia Njeru and Justice David Majanja as new members of the Judicial Service Commission. The CJ at the same time swore in Stella Munyi as the Assisting Counsel to the Tribunal appointed to investigate the conduct of Supreme Court Judge Prof Jackton Ojwang. nnnn nn nn nn ...
Continue readingCJ David Maraga will on Friday, May 17, 2019, at Supreme Court Building, Nairobi, launch the Performance Management and Measurement Understandings (PMMUs) 2017- 2018 evaluation report. During the launch, best performing courts & administrative units will be recognised.nn nn nn nn...
Continue readingJudges of the High Court and the Environment Land Court from across the country met at Milimani law courts to provide views and perspectives based on their experience and their aspirations to the JSC Sub-Committee on Judiciary Independence and Accountability. The subcommittee is tasked with;nn Assessing the status of the Judiciary independence and accountability since the promulgation of the constitution, 2010n Examining and reviewing the current constitution, legal and administrative framework of the independence and accountability of the Judiciary and make appropriate recommendations on strengthening this frameworkn Examining the emergent case law and judicial pronouncements since 2010, and determine their implication...
Continue readingThe Judicial Service Commission today held a stakehoders engagement forum on Judiciary independence and accountability since 2010 where it received views on the Commission's and Judiciary's operations. The various stakeholders pointed out areas of weaknesses in the system and proposed ways to improve service delivery.nnnn nn nn ...
Continue readingJudicial Service Commission press statement on petitions against judges of superior courts and complaints against magistrates. [ Download Statement ]...
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