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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 35)

Creating Efficiency in Kenya’s Bail and Bond Administration

Creating Efficiency in Kenya’s Bail and Bond Regime.  By Shikhutuli NamusyulennAlthough the Constitution together with other laws and instruments gives clear direction on how the justice sector should deal with arrested and accused persons with regard to bail and bond administration in the country, there has been a continuing but robust conversation on the subject.nnImportantly, the dialogue, escalated especially by the Constitution 2010 and the coming into place of the Bail and Bond Policy Guidelines in 2015, revolves around whether there can be uniformity in the application of bail and bond terms to all arrested persons amid the varied circumstances of...

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Kenya’s Court of Appeal delivers judgements through video link

nnFRIDAY, April 3, 2020. NAIROBI. Court of Appeal delivers judgements through video linknThe Court of Appeal has for the first time delivered decisions through video link enabled by the skype technology, following the outbreak of COVID -19 pandemic in the country.nCourt of Appeal Judge Hannah Okwengu sitting in Nairobi read the judgments and rulings for 18 criminal appeal matters that were transmitted through video link to Kodiaga and Kibos Maximum Prisons where the appellants in criminal appeals are currently held.nThe Judge delivered 40 other decisions for civil appeals and civil applications through emails to parties.nThe Court of Appeal adopted the use...

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