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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 25)

Interview schedule for the position of the Chief Justice and the President of the Supreme Court of Kenya

The interviews for the position of Chief Justice are scheduled to take place from April 12 - 23, 2021. Ten candidates will be interviewed (one candidate per day starting at 9am). You can follow the interviews live and regular updates on  JSC social media pages.nn ...

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Judiciary’s complaints office signs performance agreement

Ag. Chief Justice and Judiciary Ombudsman Justice Philomena Mwilu signs the Performance Management and Measurement Understandings (PMMUs) for the Office of the Judiciary Ombudsman (OJO) before the Chair of the Administration of Justice and Court Performance Committee Court of Appeal Judge Agnes Murgor.nn ...

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DPP and IG tour Kahawa Court

The DPP Noordin Haji and Inspector General of Police Hilary Mutyambai during a courtesy call on the Kahawa Law Courts Chief Magistrate Diana Mochache. Also present were Kiambu Presiding Judge Mary Kasango, actors in the chain of justice and development partners. They discussed the court’s functionality as a counter terrorism facility that also deals with transnational organized crimes such as wildlife, human trafficking and drug trafficking.n nn ...

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Judiciary Personnel Receive Insignia for State Awards

Judiciary Personnel Receive Insignia for State AwardsnnSeven of the Judicial officers and staff who were awarded various state honors during the 2020 Jamhuri Day celebrations received their insignia from the Deputy Chief Registrar, Hon. Paul Maina, at a brief ceremony held at the Supreme Court Building on 31st March 2021.nn nnThe seven who were handed their awards are: Senior Principal Magistrate Hon. Joseph Were who was admitted as a Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS), Chief Magistrate Hon. Francis Weche Andayi, Mr. James Muriithi Kihara, and Benjamin James Kinuthia who were admitted to the Order of the Grand...

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Pursuant to the Directive issued by the Ag. CJ to Combat Covid-19 In the Zoned Counties of Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu & Nakuru, the Online Support for the efiling system shall be provided using the

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ICPAK Chair & Council pays courtesy call on the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary

ICPAK CHAIR & COUNCIL PAYS COURTESY CALL ON THE CHIEF REGISTRARnnThe Council of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) called on the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Hon. Anne A. Amadi, CBS on 24th March 2021 to explore areas of cooperation between the two institutions in discharging their respective mandates. The ICPAK delegation was led by Council Chairperson FCPA Rose Mwaura and Vice Chair, FCPA George Mokua. Others were ICPAK Council Members FCPA Samuel Okello, CPA Anne Wangeci, CPA Risper Olick, FCPA Dr. Nicholas Letting and the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary to Council, CPA Edwin Makori.nn nnThe...

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