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PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON THE JUDICIARY BUDGET PREPARATION FOR THE FY 2022/23 AND THE MEDIUM-TERM PERIOD (2022/23- 2024/25)nnThe Judiciary is finalizing preparation of the FY 2022/23 and Medium-Term Budget Proposal. In observance of the requirement for public participation in all financial matters under Article 201 (a) of the Constitution of Kenya and Section 37 (5) (a) of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act 2012, the Judiciary has organized a public hearing forum on Friday, 15th October, 2021 starting at 9.00 A.M.nn nnA copy of the Judiciary’s Budget Proposal for the FY 2022/23 and Medium Term is available and may be downloaded from...

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JUDICIARY UPSCALES GRAFT FIGHT, TRANSBOUNDARY CRIME WITH RENEWED AGA-AFRICA TRAINING PACTnnMOMBASA, Kenya, Oct12 - The Judiciary of Kenya has entered into a fresh capacity building partnership with the Attorney General Alliance (AGA) Africa, after signing an extended MoU.nnThe signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by the Director of JTI, Supreme Court Judge Smokin Wanjala, and AGA-Africa Board member Markus Green was witnessed by Kenya’s Chief Justice Martha Koome in Mombasa on Tuesday.nn nn“The renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between JTI and AGA-Africa is coming at an opportune time when we are embarking on revamping our judicial education and training. It...

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Judge Mbogholi honoured by High Court

Milimani High Court Civil Division jointly with its Bar Bench Committee held a luncheon in honour of Justice Mbogholi Msagha following his elevation to the Court of Appeal. High Court Principal Judge Lydia Achode led other judges, judicial officers and staff as well as representatives from the legal fraternity to celebrate Judge Mbogholi who has served as High Court Judge since 1987. Speakers at the event commended him for his hardwork and humility. Some of the guests present at the luncheon included Chair, SC Bar Association Dr. Fred Ojiambo, LSK Vice President Carolyne Kamende and ICJ Chair, Nairobi Chapter Kelvin...

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CJ officially opens Child Justice Summit

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Thursday October 7, 2021 officially opened the Child Justice Summit at the Strathmore University. The summit seeks to sensitise law students from all universities in the country on child justice issues aimed at increasing the number of advocates interested in children matters.nA notable output shall be the â€˜Wakili Wa Watoto’ clubs which shall be established in all Law Schools to continue the conversation on child justice issues.n ...

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CJ Koome engages with partners on priority programmes for ?Judiciary

CJ Koome engages with partners on priority programmes for ?Judiciary Chief Justice Martha Koome held a consultative meeting with ?Development Partners Group and Heads of Missions to engage on priority ?programmes for the Judiciary.? The meeting discussed, among other items, financial mechanisms to ?support the independence and integrity of the Judiciary, the digitisation ?agenda of the Judiciary, infrastructural expansion and avenues to ?facilitate access to justice.? The Chief Justice said the Judiciary seeks to ensure accessibility to courts ?by having a Magistrates’ Court station in every sub-county and a High ?Court and Court of Equal Status in every county. This is geared towards...

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CJ Koome engages with partners on priority programmes for ?Judiciary

CJ Koome engages with partners on priority programmes for ?Judiciary Chief Justice Martha Koome held a consultative meeting with ?Development Partners Group and Heads of Missions to engage on priority ?programmes for the Judiciary.? The meeting discussed, among other items, financial mechanisms to ?support the independence and integrity of the Judiciary, the digitisation ?agenda of the Judiciary, infrastructural expansion and avenues to ?facilitate access to justice.? The Chief Justice said the Judiciary seeks to ensure accessibility to courts ?by having a Magistrates’ Court station in every sub-county and a High ?Court and Court of Equal Status in every county. This is geared towards...

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Kisumu Employment and Labour Relations Court gets one more Judge

Kisumu Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC) has a new Judge. Justice Christine Baari joins Judge Stephen Radido, bringing the total number of ELRC judges at the station to two. While welcoming Justice Baari during a CUC meeting, members commended the station for emerging overall best performing court under the leadership of Judge Radido in 2020/2021 FY. nn nn ...

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Chuka County Court Users committee tours Chuka GK Prison

County Court Users committee chaired by Justice Lucy Gitari of Chuka High Court when they visited Chuka GK Prison at Kathwana.  The team comprised of the County Commissioner Ms Beverly Opwora, County Security heads and County Secretary, among others.  nn nn nn nn ...

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