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Court officials mentor and interact with rescued children at a rehabilitation centre in Kangundo

Kangundo Law Courts as well as LSK and ODPP officials led by Head of Station Daniel ole Keiwua interact with rescued children at the New Scent rehabilitation centre. Hon Keiwua was accompanied by magistrates Dennis Kioko and Daffline Sure as well as LSK regional leadership Ms Priscilla Kioko and Mr Isaiah Munguti.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33687,33688,33689,33690,33691,33692,33693"]  ...

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CUC trained

Kerugoya High Court Presiding Judge Richard Mwongo concluded a three day training for the Kirinyaga County Court Users Committee (CUC). In an effort to sensitize prisoners, remandees and other justice chain stakeholders, the Kirinyaga County CUC conducted a pre-service week training on plea bargaining and diversion, providing legal aid at Kerugoya and Mwea Prisons on May 15- 16,2024. In addition, a conference on plea bargaining, diversion, active case management and sentencing policy guidelines was held on the May 17-18,2024, involving members from the Kerugoya, Gichugu, Wanguru and Baricho Law Courts CUCs. These activities are in preparation for a three-day service week to be...

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Limuru Law Courts Open Day

Limuru Law Courts led by Head of Station Hon. Jared Magori and Hon. Peter Mugure (PM) held an open day themed "Inheritance and the Law." The court sensitized members of the public on the process of succession and demystified court procedures.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33651,33652,33653,33654,33655,33656,33657,33658,33659"]...

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Special rooms for children at Gichugu Law Courts

In line with the Judiciary’s Child Justice Strategy which advocates for a child-friendly judicial system, Gichugu Law Courts now has a special room room designed for children waiting to testify as well as those accompanying their parents to court for cases. In instances where children are required to give evidence especially in defilement matters, the court conducts hearings in the room, which is equipped with play items for the minors. The room is as kitted using donations from Court Users Committee members, well wishers and staff led by the Head of Station, Hon. Leah Kabaria (PM) and Hon Wanjiru Njuguna...

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Othaya court sensitizes public on adoption of ‘out of court’ resolution of disputes mechanism

In advancing the multi-door dispute resolution mechanism espoused in the Judiciary’s Social Transformation through Access to Justice (STAJ) blueprint, Nyeri Presiding Judge Maureen Odero, Justice Anne Ngibuini and Hon. Alfred Kibiru joined the team from Othaya Law Courts, led by the Head of Station Hon. Naomi Wanja, in sensitizing actors in the justice chain and the wider public to adopt ‘out of court’ resolution of disputes during a Court Annexed Mediation Open Day. [gallery size="medium" ids="33635,33636,33637,33638,33639,33640"]  ...

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Nyamira court holds open day

Nyamira Law Courts Presiding Judge Wilfrida Okwany and ELC Judge Mugo Kamau led the court in an open day and tree planting activity. The event offered an opportunity for the justice actors to interact with the public under the theme of access to justice through public awareness and education. [gallery size="medium" ids="33626,33627,33628,33629,33630,33631,33632"]  ...

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Malindi ELRC Open Day

ELRC Principal Judge Byram Ongaya was joined by Kilifi County Governor Gideon Mung'aro, Justices Stephen Githinji, Mwangi Njoroge, Evans Makori, Monica Mbaru, HoS Elizabeth Usui, staff and CUC members during an open day themed, Uimarishaji haki kwa kushirikisha wananchi. [gallery size="medium" ids="33623,33622,33621,33620,33619,33618"]...

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Kirinyaga CUC members trained on plea bargaining, diversion, active case management and sentencing policy guidelines

Kerugoya High Court Presiding Judge Richard Mwongo led a training session for the Kirinyaga County Court Users Committee on plea bargaining, diversion, active case management and sentencing policy guidelines. The training was organized in conjunction with the Legal Resource Foundation and the US Embassy. In attendance were Scott Asphaug ,Gichugu Law Courts Principal Magistrate Leah Kabaria and other CUC members.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33601,33602,33603,33604,33605,33606,33607,33608,33609,33610,33611,33612,33613,33614,33615"]...

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CRJ Mokaya meets with Chairpersons and Administrators of Tribunals

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya met with Chairpersons and Administrators of Tribunals to deliberate on areas of support. In her address, the CRJ reiterated her commitment and support to the tribunals in the implementation of STAJ to enhance access to justice. She also underscored the need to implement the appellate mechanism for tribunals to preserve timelines of hearing appeals from tribunals. She further indicated that Judiciary leadership is working to speed up the implementation of the Tribunals Bill. [gallery size="medium" ids="33593,33594,33595"]  ...

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