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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 47)

Duo sworn in as members of Tax and Education Appeals Tribunals respectively

Timothy Chesire and Catherine Masasabi took Oath of Office as members of Tax Appeals Tribunal and Education Appeals Tribunal, respectively. The event was presided over by DCRJ Paul Ndemo, at the Supreme Court, Nairobi.nn nn nn nn...

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High Court Principal Judge hosts pupils from disadvantaged families

High Court Principal Judge Lydia Achode hosts pupils from Children of Africa Hope Mission School. The school is an alternative provider of basic education & technology and draws children from disadvantaged backgrounds such as orphans. It is run by Riruta United Women Empowerement Programme (RUWEPO). The pupils were taken through the structure of the Judiciary and roles of personnel in court. she presented them with Constitution and IEC materials.n#JudiciaryKEnn nn ...

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