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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 45)

NCIC members take Oath of Office

Chief Justice David Maraga presided over the swearing in of chairperson and members of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission. Those sworn in were Chairperson Rev Dr Samuel Kobia and members Samuel Kona, Phillip Okundi, Peris Nyutu, Abdulaziz Ali Farah, Danvas Makori, Fatuma Tabwara and Dorcas Kedogo. nn nn ...

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Officers from Judiciary complaints office to conduct Public Clinics at Kisii & Ogembo courts

Office of Judiciary Ombudsman will conduct Public Clinics at Kisii Law Courts (Nov 18-19, 2019) & Ogembo Law Courts (Nov 21 -22, 2019), to create awareness on the office & its mandate. During the clinics, officers will engage public, receive & process complaints. #JudiciaryKEnn nn...

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CJ swears in members of the National Lands Commission

Chief Justice David Maraga on Friday November 15, swore in members of the National Lands Commission at the Supreme Court Building.nThose who were sworn in include: Chairperson Gershom Otachi Omwanwa and members James Tuitoek, Getrude Nguku, Reginald Okumu, Samwel Kambi, Hubbie Al-Haji and Alister Mutugi.n ...

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Officers from Judiciary’s complaints office engage residents and receive complaints at Bungoma Court

Officers from the Office of the Judiciary Ombudsman (OJO) engage members of public & media and receive & process complaints at Bungoma Law Courts during PublicnClinics.nnA similar activity will be held in Kimilili on November Thursday 14  and Friday 15, 2019.  #JudiciaryKEnn nnnn nn nn nn ...

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ADR stakeholder engagement

The Judiciary led by the Chief Justice David Maraga held a public and private sector engagement forum in regards to Court Annexed Mediation and the role of Alternative dispute Resolution (ADR) in facilitating the ease of doing business. The forum brought together players in ADR sector including judges and magistrates, mediators and other partners like Law Society of Kenya, International Law Development Institute and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Also in attendance was the cabinet Secretary for East African Community  Adan Mohamed.n ...

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Judiciary Complaints office to hold Public Clinics at Bungoma and Kimilili Law Courts

The Office of the Judiciary Ombudsman (Judiciary’s complaints management mechanisms office) will conduct Public Clinics at Bungoma Law Courts (Nov 11 - 12, 2019) & Kimililii Law Courts (Nov 14 -15, 2019), starting 9 am, to create awareness on the office & its mandate. During the clinics, officers will engage the public, receive & process complaints & explain processes of filing & handling complaints. The aim of clinics is to sensitize public & establish possible mitigation strategies to curb re-emergence of further complaints.nn nn...

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The Judiciary’s Recurrent and Development Budget for the Financial Year 2019/2020 has been restored.nnThe budget for the half year has also been uploaded in the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) as approved by the National Assembly.nnAuthority to Incur Expenditure (AIEs) for Courts and Tribunals are being processed and they will be issued in the shortest time possible.nnImplementation of all approved activities in Financial Year 2019/2020 work plans will proceed as planned.nn nnPUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATION nnJUDICIARY...

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Judiciary complaints office engages public in Homa Bay

The Office of the Judiciary Ombudsman officials engage members of public & media and receive complaints at Homabay Law Courts during Public Clinics. A similar exercise will be conducted at Ndhiwa Law Courts tomorrow Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8, 2019.nn nn ...

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Statement by Chief Justice David Maraga on Judiciary Budget Cuts

STATEMENT BY HON. DAVID K. MARAGA, CHIEF JUSTICE AND PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF KENYA, ON THE JUDICIARY BUDGET CUTS.  NOVEMBER 4, 2019.nn nnLadies and gentlemen, nnI have called you here today to make a statement on the developing crisis in the Judiciary concerning budget cuts.  I am making this statement to correct some of the misleading statements made last week regarding the cuts and to give Kenyans the big picture behind the drastic cuts to the Judiciary Budget. I would like the public to know the reason why we are currently not able to offer certain services to the...

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