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The Judiciary > NewsItems (Page 69)

DCRJ takes Oath of Office

Chief Justice David Maraga presided over the swearing in of Hon Paul Ndemo as the Deputy Chief Registrar of the Judiciary. Mr Ndemo was competitively recruited by the JSC. He Joins the Judiciary from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution where he was a Senior Assistant Director of Public Prosecution.nn The CJ welcomed him to the Judiciary and reminded him of the enormous work that was awaiting him. In his part Hon Ndemo promised to dedicate himself to work and help the institution. nnnn  ...

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Judiciary to clear over 5,000 old cases

Judiciary to clear over 5,000 old casesnThe Judiciary has embarked on hearing and determining court cases that are older than five years in the court system in a move that will see over 5,000 cases cleared in a period of one month, countrywide.nThe service week exercise targets 5, 187 matters, which include civil, criminal, commercial and judicial review cases in nine High Court stations in the country starting September 3 – 28, 2018.nThe cases have been listed before the Judges for hearings, dismissals and/or appropriate directions.nThe stations are Meru, Machakos, Kakamega, Mombasa, Eldoret, Nyeri, Embu, Bungoma and Milimani (Judicial Review...

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Judiciary to deal with corruption cases in accordance with the law

Judiciary to deal with corruption cases in accordance with the lawnnMONDAY, August 20, 2018nnJudiciary is committed to ensuring that all the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes cases brought before courts are dealt with impartially, expeditiously and in accordance with the law and the evidence presented.nnChief Justice David Maraga said that this is the only way Judiciary can maintain the confidence of the people it serves.nnSpeaking when he officially opened the Annual Judges’ Colloquium in Mombasa, the CJ noted that Judiciary will be professional when handling the cases and urged other actors in the justice chain to be equally diligent and professional...

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Mediation program takes lead in promoting access to justice

The Court Annexed Mediation program has seen over 600 cases referred to mediation, with an overall settlement rate of 55.24%.nnCurrently, an estimate of Ksh.2.2 billion has been released into the economy by virtue of cases that have been resolved through mediation.nnSpeaking during 2018 Mediation Conference, Principal Judge of the High Court, Justice Lydia Achode noted that mediation was taking root in the Judiciary and was crucial in reduction of case backlog and unlocking funds locked up in litigation.nnThe mediation program, whose slogan is “a solution for you by you,” came into operation on April 4, 2016 in the Commercial and...

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JSC speaks on the state of the Judiciary following drastic budgetary allocation cuts

As you are aware, the mandate of the Judiciary is derived from the people as expressed in Article 159(1) and (2) of the Constitution, which says “Judicial Authority is derived from the people and vests in, and shall be exercised by the courts and tribunals established by or under … [the] Constitution” and that “In exercising that authority the courts and tribunals shall be guided by” amongst other things the principle that “justice shall not be delayed”. In the premises, the Judiciary is obliged to inform the public of anything that may affect service delivery. (Read full statement)nn nn...

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JSC picks SRC representative & Deputy CRJ

MONDAY, July 23, 2018nThe Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has completed interviews and selected Ms Jacqueline Manani to represent JSC in the Salaries and Remuneration Commission for a fixed term of six years. This is a full time position.nFurther, the Commission after competitive recruitment, has picked Mr Paul Ndemo for the position of Deputy Chief Registrar of the Judiciary.nMs Manani, who has 16 years of experience, worked as the Director of Legal Services/Chief Commission Counsel at the Public Service Commission. Prior, she served as an Assisting Counsel to the Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board and earlier worked as a Senior Legal...

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